Here you can find details about my books:
Here they all are, and there are more in the pipeline, even a novel, All the Beautiful Liars, which was published on 16 March as an Eye Bolt eBook. Latest info on reviews and interviews on my blog.
But first, my thanks for the wonderful pic above to the talented Gerfried Mikusch in Vienna.
The Past Present – an eclectic mix of 21 stories with just some of the premises—Al Gore is Spartacus?—octogenarian love—leprechauns—the fate of a Haider fan ….
Back Burning – Winner, IP Picks 2007, Best Fiction Sylvia Petter s collection flings the reader across the globe in its bold exploration of love, death, passion, relationship, and family.
Mercury Blobs – A collection of flash fiction which will challenge and delight readers. All over the place in the space of a mind. Short and shorter stories that “are sometimes very funny and sometimes very moving, and often they are both at once,…” – Robert Olen Butler
German translation of my stories in Geflimmer der Vergangenheit -Erzählungen, die zum Träumen und Nachdenken einladen. (…) Erleben Sie Überraschungen beim Lesen dieser im englischsprachigen Raum preisgekrönten Erzählungen.
Writing as AstridL, Consuming the Muse – erotic tales – interspersed with artwork, Consuming the Muse is a collection of erotic tales flirting with time, space and the senses, on a woman’s journey through Eros.
Co-Editor of New Sun Rising: Stories for Japan – an anthology of stories, flash fiction, poems, haibun, haiku and artwork and photography donated by over 60 creators from all over the world to support those in Japan still affected by the aftermath of the 2011 tsunami and earthquake.
Editor of the limited edition German-language anthology, Austr(al)ia launched in Vienna on 14 July 2014. Forthcoming as eBook and paperback.
And here are the Amazon links to my books: